Victory Sportswear Men's Sale
Victory Sportswear started originally as Hersey Custom Shoe Company in 1982 when Bart and Jan Hersey began making custom running shoes in a converted sheep barn in Maine. Bart loved making shoes and figuring out ways to blend new technologies with the forgotten wisdom and techniques of the old-timers. After 25 years, Bart was ready to relax. He considered simply shutting the doors but didn’t want to leave his loyal customers high and dry. So, he began searching for the right person to buy the business and take over the task of custom-crafting the highest quality shoes available. After seeing a documentary on the Herseys, Stephen Keoseian got in touch with Bart and travelled north to see for himself. Stephen, grew up as the third generation of Keosa Brothers Shoe Repair in Fitchburg, Massachusetts. An apprenticeship and friendship followed, and in 2007 Stephen bought the company and moved its headquarters to Fitchburg, Massachusetts. Then in 2019, both brands were merged under the Victory Sportswear name, with a focus placed on both markets, custom and non custom. Victory Sportswear is a shoe brand that follows the original Hersey concept of making shoes, but is not limited to the running market. We make shoes created for everyone, from walkers to marathon runners to those who have highly specific orthopedic needs. Our shoes are made for your feet, and last for years. We make our shoes with the double reverse flare foxing method that allow our shoes to be resoled with many years of wear.
“We love making shoes, and above all - put that care into every shoe that we make. Mobility is a gift, and we want to make that a possibility for everyone through Victory Sportwear”.
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